Specimen type: Blood serum/plasma (fasting is not required)
Turnaround time: 24 hours
Result interpretation: This test aims to measure the amount of sodium in blood. Sodium is responsible for regulating the fluid level and electrolyte balance of our body. High sodium level might be due to kidney disorder, diabetes and endocrine disorder. Low sodium level might be due to chronic kidney disease, malnutrition and dehydration.
Specimen type: Blood serum/plasma (fasting is not required)
Turnaround time: 24 hours
Result interpretation: This test aims to measure the amount of potassium in blood. Potassium is responsible for regulating muscles and nerves activity. High potassium level might be due to medication, injury and kidney disease. Low potassium level might be due to alcohol abuse, endocrine disorder and dehydration.
Specimen type: Blood serum/plasma (fasting is not required)
Turnaround time: 24 hours
Result interpretation: This test aims to measure the amount of chloride in blood. Chloride is responsible for regulating fluid and pH balance. High chloride level might be due to kidney disease, dehydration and metabolic disorder. Low chloride level might be due to metabolic disorder, endocrine disorder and dehydration.
Specimen type: Blood serum/plasma (fasting is not required)
Turnaround time: 24 hours
Result interpretation: This test aims to measure the amount of urea in blood. Urea is one of the waste materials that will be eliminated from our body. High urea level might be due to dehydration, high protein diet, medication and kidney malfunction.
1) https://medlineplus.gov/lab-tests/bun-blood-urea-nitrogen/
Specimen type: Blood serum/plasma (fasting is required)
Turnaround time: 24 hours
Result interpretation: This test aims to measure the level of creatinine in blood. Creatinine is one of the waste materials that will be eliminated from our body. The abnormal creatinine level might be due to bacteria infection, diabetes, pregnancy and high meat diet.
Specimen type: Blood serum/plasma (fasting is required)
Turnaround time: 24 hours
Result interpretation: This test aims to measure the estimated rate of blood filtered by the kidney. It can reflect the metabolic status and the health of the kidney. eFGR can be calculated after determining the level of creatinine. The decrease of eGFR indicates the decrease of kidney function.
Specimen type: Blood serum/plasma (fasting is required)
Turnaround time: 24 hours
Result interpretation: This test aims to measure the level of uric acid in blood. Uric acid is one of the waste materials that will be eliminated from our body. High uric acid level might be due to lead poisoning, kidney malfunction, metabolic disorder and endocrine disorder. Low uric acid level might be due to medication, low purine diet and metabolic disorder.
Specimen type: Blood serum/plasma (fasting is not required)
Turnaround time: 24 hours
Result interpretation: This test aims to measure the level of calcium in blood. Calcium is important in regulating the activity of muscles, nerves and heart. High calcium level might be due to endocrine disorder, medication and a high calcium diet. Low calcium level might be due to kidney disease, malnutrition and endocrine disorder.
1) https://medlineplus.gov/lab-tests/calcium-blood-test/
Specimen type: Blood serum/plasma (stop certain medication prior the test)
Turnaround time: 24 hours
Result interpretation: This test aims to measure the level of phosphate in blood. Phophorus is one of the minerals that is required to strengthen our bones and teeths. It can also reflect the health of the kidney. High phosphorus level might be due to kidney disease, endocrine disorder and diabetes. Low phosphorus level might be due to malnutrition, endocrine disorder and alcohol abuse.
Specimen type: Whole blood (fasting is required)
Turnaround time: 24 hours
Result interpretation: This test aims to measure the amount for all types of protein in blood. Protein is an essential nutrient for the health and growth of our cells. High total protein level might be due to liver disease, cancer and dehydration. Low total protein level might be due to metabolic disorder and liver malfunction.
Specimen type: Whole blood (fasting is not required)
Turnaround time: 24 hours
Result interpretation: This test aims to measure the level of albumin in blood. Albumin is a protein that is produced by the liver and it helps to maintain the fluid flow between bloodstream and tissues in our body. High albumin level might be due to dehydration status. Low albumin level might be due to liver disease and malnutrition.
Specimen type: Whole blood (fasting is not required)
Turnaround time: 24 hours
Result interpretation: This test aims to measure the level of globulin in blood. Globulin is essential for liver function, immune system and blood clotting. High globulin level might be due to cancer, inflammatory disease and immune disorder. Low globulin level might be due to liver disease and malnutrition.
Specimen type: Whole blood (fasting is not required)
Turnaround time: 24 hours
Result interpretation: This test aims to measure the ratio of albumin and globulin in blood. A/G ratio can help to indicate whether the globulin is underproduction or overproduction and this result is essential for the diagnosis of diseases. A high A/G ratio might be due to cancer and genetic deficiencies. A low A/G ratio might be due to immune disorder and liver disease.
1) https://www.labcorp.com/help/patient-test-info/total-protein-and-albuminglobulin-ag-ra tio
Specimen type: Whole blood (fasting is required)
Turnaround time: 24 hours
Result interpretation: This test aims to measure the level of bilirubin in blood. Bilirubin is the waste product produced by the degradation of red blood cells. High bilirubin level might be due to liver malfunction.
Specimen type: Whole blood (fasting is not required)
Turnaround time: 24 hours
Result interpretation: This test aims to measure the level of AST in blood. AST can be found in organs such as the liver and muscles. Then, it may be released to the bloodstream when the cell is damaged. High AST level might be due to liver damage or other disease.
1) https://www.hepatitis.va.gov/hcv/patient/diagnosis/labtests-AST.asp
Specimen type: Whole blood (fasting is not required)
Turnaround time: 24 hours
Result interpretation: This test aims to measure the level of ALT in blood. ALT is mostly found in the liver and it may be released to the bloodstream when the cell is damaged. High ALT indicates liver damage.
Specimen type: Whole blood (fasting is not required)
Turnaround time: 24 hours
Result interpretation: This test aims to measure the level of ALP in blood. ALP is mostly found in organs such as the liver and kidney. Then, it may be released to the bloodstream when the cells are damaged. High ALP might be due to liver damage and bone disorder. Low ALP might be due to malnutrition and genetic disease.
Specimen type: Whole blood (fasting is not required)
Turnaround time: 24 hours
Result interpretation: This test aims to measure the level of GGT in blood. GGT is mainly found in the liver and it may be released to the bloodstream when the cells are damaged. High GGT might be due to liver damage, alcohol abuse and medication.
Specimen type: Whole blood (fasting is required)
Turnaround time: 24 hours
Result interpretation: This test aims to measure the level of total cholesterol in blood. Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that helps to maintain the health of our cells. High total cholesterol might be due to a high lipid diet and associated with higher risk for heart disease. Low total cholesterol might be due to malnutrition.
Specimen type: Whole blood (fasting is required)
Turnaround time: 24 hours
Result interpretation: This test aims to measure the level of triglycerides in blood. Triglycerides is a type of fats that serves as one of the energy sources in our body. High triglycerides might be due to medication, endocrine disorder and metabolic disorder.
Specimen type: Whole blood (fasting is required)
Turnaround time: 24 hours
Result interpretation: This test aims to measure the level of HDL- cholesterol in blood. HDL-cholesterol responsible for the removal of lipids from our body. Low HDL-cholesterol is associated with increased risk for heart disease.
Specimen type: Whole blood (fasting is required)
Turnaround time: 24 hours
Result interpretation: This test aims to measure the level of LDL-cholesterol in blood. LDL-cholesterol can cause the accumulation of lipids within the wall of blood vessels. Hence, resulting in the blockage of blood vessels. High LDL-cholesterol is associated with higher risk of heart disease.
Specimen type: Whole blood (fasting is required)
Turnaround time: 24 hours
Result interpretation: This test aims to calculate the ratio between total cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol. The ratio of total cholesterol/HDL-cholesterol is essential for the prediction of the risk of heart disease. High total cholesterol/HDL-cholesterol ratio indicates a higher risk of heart disease.
Specimen type: Whole blood (fasting is required)
Turnaround time: 24 hours
Result interpretation: This test aims to measure the level of iron in blood. Iron is one of the nutrients that is essential for the organ health and production of red blood cells. High iron level might indicate genetic disorders. Low iron level might be due to anaemia.
Specimen type: Whole blood (fasting is required)
Turnaround time: 24 hours
Result interpretation: This test aims to determine the portion of transferrin that has not bind with the iron in blood. Transferrin is the protein that is responsible for the transportation of iron throughout our body. High UIBC indicates iron deficiency. Low UIBC might be due to anaemia, genetic disorder and iron poisoning.
1) https://www.labcorp.com/help/patient-test-info/transferrin-and-iron-binding-capacity-ti bc-uibc
Specimen type: Whole blood (fasting is required)
Turnaround time: 24 hours
Result interpretation: This test aims to determine the portion of transferrin that is binded with the iron in blood. Transferrin is the protein that is responsible for the transportation of iron throughout our body. High TIBC indicates iron deficiency. Low TIBC might be due to anaemia and genetic disorder.
1) https://www.labcorp.com/help/patient-test-info/transferrin-and-iron-binding-capacity-ti bc-uibc
Specimen type: Whole blood (fasting is required)
Turnaround time: 24 hours
Result interpretation: This test aims to determine the ratio of iron saturation % and transferrin saturation %. This test is essential in determining the level of iron in blood. High iron saturation % might be due to anaemia, genetic disorder and iron poisoning. Low iron saturation % might be due to iron deficiency.
1) https://www.labcorp.com/help/patient-test-info/transferrin-and-iron-binding-capacity-ti bc-uibc
Specimen type: Whole blood (fasting is required)
Turnaround time: 24 hours
Result interpretation: This test aims to determine the amount of transferrin in blood. Transferrin is the protein that is responsible for the transportation of iron throughout our body. High transferrin level might be due to iron deficiency. Low transferrin level might be due to genetic disorder, kidney damage and liver damage.
Specimen type: Whole blood (fasting is required)
Turnaround time: 24 hours
Result interpretation: This test aims to measure the level of glucose in blood. Glucose is one of the essential nutrients that serve as the main source of energy for our body. High glucose level might be due to kidney disease and endocrine disorder. Low glucose level might be due to liver disease, endocrine disorder and medication.
RF (Rheumatoid factor)
Specimen type: Whole blood (fasting is not required)
Turnaround time: 24 hours
Result interpretation: This test aims to measure the level of rheumatoid factor in blood. Rheumatoid factor is the protein that is produced by our immune system that attacks healthy cells in our body. The presence of RF might be due to rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune disease and cancer.
1) https://medlineplus.gov/lab-tests/rheumatoid-factor-rf-test/
Specimen type: Whole blood (fasting is not required)
Turnaround time: 24 hours
Result interpretation: This test aims to measure the amount of glucose that binds to haemoglobin in blood. This test can help to estimate the life span of red blood cells in our body. HbA1c can be used for the diagnosis of diabetes.
1) https://medlineplus.gov/lab-tests/hemoglobin-a1c-hba1c-test/
Specimen type: Whole blood (fasting is not required)
Turnaround time: 24 hours
Result interpretation: This test aims to measure the level of hs-CRP in blood. This test is able to detect slight increases of CRP level which indicate the occurrence of inflammation in our body. High hs-CRP might be due to inflammation, infection, injury and chronic disease.
1) https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/c-reactive-protein-test/about/pac-20385 228